Creative Revolution (Young Adult) Terms and Conditions

Participant Agreement


I agree to participate in the full 4-week program with no more than 2 absences with the exception of a medical or family emergency.

I agree to complete two consultations in preparation of the final capstone project presentation. 

I understand that my participation in the final capstone presentation is a requirement for completion of the program and for the receipt of the related certificate of completion.

I understand that because this is a virtual program, the physical location of participants do not matter, but that most programming will occur between 9am-5pm Eastern Standard Time. 

I understand that in order to participate in this program, I must have access to my own working computer, wifi, a silent space for workshops, and a suitable space to conduct my final capstone presentation. 

I understand that Creative Revolution has the right to terminate my participation in the program should I have numerous unexplained absences or create repetitive disruption which affect the experience of other participants. 


I understand that no refunds will be made for weekly payments unless the program is partially or completely cancelled. For participants whose participation is paid in full, refunds can be made for up to 4 weeks prior to the program start date, with the exception of the $175 deposit. 

I agree that payments for each week of participation shall be paid prior to the start of the program, with the only exception being that I registered for the program in mid-June or later. In other words, if I register for the program on June 1st, my weekly payments should be complete by June 30th. If I register for the program on June 15th, an exception will be made so that I have four weeks to complete my payments. I understand that failure to keep up with payments may result in the termination of my participation in the program.

I understand that the costs for consultations as well as any materials required to complete the capstone project will be covered by my payments to the program unless total costs exceed $150. 


I acknowledge that my private information including but not limited to payment information, contact information, address and any other confidential information submitted for the purposes of this program will not be shared with any outside parties.

I understand that the information distributed in this program is confidential and should not be shared with anyone beyond other participants. In addition, I agree not to reproduce the materials in this program and understand that doing so will make me liable for copyright infringement. 

I acknowledge that presentations may be recorded and used for promotional purposes and understand that my enrollment in the program provides consent for Creative Revolution to use my likeness for this purpose.